Red hair color will make any girl stand out from the crowd of people on the street. Usually, women with this hair color have an explosive character, are creative people and are excellently building a career, finding a place for themselves in a company, a creative team, or even starting their own business. Often in mythology, fairy tales and historical legends, witches, evil sorceresses, characters with a bad character are depicted with red hair – it is not for nothing that the belief goes that redheads have no soul. In the modern world, such an attitude towards women with red hair is rather bad manners, because red hair these days is a feature, a highlight and even an advantage.

If you add more yellow or gold to the “classic” red, you get a light red shade. This is a very delicate and neat color, so it is not suitable for all the fair sex.

Can be easily obtained by mixing two colors: copper-red and purple.

In addition to the above, there are many other shades. Darker shades: copper-red, dark-red, brown-red and others are suitable for brown-eyed girls, and lighter shades are suitable for blue-eyed, gray-eyed and green-eyed persons.

Freckles are the calling card of red-haired girls, so if you have these special points on your body, you can safely try red shades.

Short hair for any girl is a decisive step that not everyone will take. However, for many girls, short hair goes even more than long hair. They accentuate their face shape, reflecting their character and determination.

By the appearance of these beautiful persons, I just want to say something about a rebellious spirit or an outstanding personality. Often the red color for such girls turns into a bright red or bright red.